So tonight, i'm jumping back to the Dark Angels models for a quick breather from painting pink power armour and switching it out for dark green power armour. I'm really happy how this model turned out, I opted not to use metallic paints as i thought the model was going to be amply dark without them, so i switched out the mythril and boltgun metal for some NMM (Non-Metallic, Metallics). I started with a fenris grey base and then worked my way up the highlights by adding small amounts of white to the mix, i think i used 2 highlights in total with some pure white after the fact to show light source and shading with some bedab black wash. If you keep a small amount of wash on your brush you can actually control the pigment to go where you want, using it as a glaze.
The green power armour was painted with a base of dark angels green then highlighted with snot green/darkangels green mix, then washed with Thraka Green, Shaded with Bedab Black, highlighted again with Snot green working up the light sources with increasing amounts of bleached bone added to the mix, followed by a few dots of pure bleached bone to show light source.
The Robes are based with khemri brown, followed by a fairly heavy coat of dheneb stone, leaving only the deepest recesses. The robes were then glazed with griffonne sepia, paying additional attention to the deeper folds in the cloth. The rope and highlights were then picked out with bleached bone.
The skin on the face is a mash of too many colours, i'm not sure i've found the exact tones i'm happy with yet for the skin.

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