Thursday, January 27, 2011

Tyranid 2nd Edition OOP, Classic Gargoyals

There resides a special place in my heart for these minis, they were some of the first minis i purchased for wargaming back over twelve years ago.  It's an ongoing mission of mine to repaint my old classic tyranid minis in the original colour scheme as found in the second edition Codex.  I started this project just over a year ago when the new Tyranid codex came out, but the project was put on hold as other projects took center stage.  I haven't forgotten about these models, i'm just taking a relaxed approach to them as i doubt they will see the gaming table any time soon.
I painted up two of these models to completion and have ten more in the midst of being painted.  I opted for varying colour schemes between the models as was common during second edition, however the colours are similar enough to bind the unit as visually cohesive.

For the first of the two models i decided to go with a primarily red and blue colour scheme.  The skin is shaded slightly with brown pigments to bring out the richness of the red highlights, The blue contrasts strongly and was achived using a combination of ultramarine blue, space wolf grey and blue washes.  The bone is pretty standard, using off whites with sepia washes as a foundation.

The second of the two models i decided to carry on portions of the blue and bone colour themes found in the first model, although i wanted to saturate this model further with deep purples, fuchsia and light green. The fuchsia is shaded similarly to the red which further brings out the highlights found on the models as well as associating the models to some degree, the purple wings were painted in a single tone of purple and then offered a heavy shading of blue pigment.  the green started as an off white and was further shaded to the colour you see here by adding various amounts of green to the mix.  

As for the rest of them, i'm looking forward to seeing them on display as a cohesive unit.